*cause of* screen writing over restored buffer on detach/exit

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epa.gov
Wed Apr 10 15:04:00 GMT 2019

Hi Shaddy. There you go again.

> The reason seems to be that the Debian screen package packages a custom
> /etc/screenrc that does not include this explicit term capability:
> #
> # Do not use xterms alternate window buffer.
> # This one would not add lines to the scrollback buffer.
> termcap xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l
> terminfo xterm|xterms|xs ti=\E7\E[?47l
> If I comment these out, my screen issue is resolved.
> I'm not suggesting this is a problem with Cygwin screen... it is using
> the upstream settings. In fact, I am not confident to say where the
> fault lies. Perhaps screen is right to use these sequences, but the
> xterms used (putty and mintty) aren't doing the right thing?

I haven't seen the screen corruption you describe - not sure why. So it's
hard for me to test the fix. But I did comment out those 2 entries, start a
new screen, and attach and detach several times, and it doesn't seem to
cause any harm.

I don't know whose fault the problem is either, but it's probably a
particularity of Cygwin. So I'm happy to package the fix as long as it
doesn't create any problems.

So I'll upload a test release, to see if we can get some other people to


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