*spoke to soon to a* Workaround to screen writing over restored buffer on detach/exit

Shaddy Baddah lithium-cygwin@shaddybaddah.name
Tue Apr 9 06:07:00 GMT 2019


On 9/4/19 3:37 pm, Shaddy Baddah wrote:
> I confirmed this by turning off the default "login" mode for a new
> session, which averted attempts to manage utmp entries, and therefore
> avoided the "utmp slot not found" message. I did this by launching a
> session via:
> screen -ln
> You can also set login off in your .screenrc.
> Doing this, screen session plays nicely now. Probably, the error in utmp
> should be actually fixed, or permanently turned off if not workable in
> Cygwin. But for now, I'm so relieved to be able to workaround a daily
> pain in the proverbial.

This helped with screen when using Putty to a Cygwin ssh session. For
some reason, it isn't helping for running screen locally in a mintty
session. And it's not mintty either, because I can ssh to a Debian
stretch server within mintty and I can use its screen without this
issue happening. Back to the drawing board for me.


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