Distributing program compiled with gcc on Cygwin to Windows users

drikosev drikosev@gmail.com
Thu Apr 4 23:20:00 GMT 2019


At first, I'd like to thank you for the valuable instructions that I
followed and found that my application needs the following three (3)
   1. cyggcc_s-seh-1.dll
   2. cygstdc++-6.dll
   3. cygwin1.dll 

The Cygwin application that contains the above libraries had been
download from RedHat. Whereas, my application which is just a closed
source binary file has a proprietary license and will run on Windows
"8.1" systems.

Can I simply distribute only these 4 files (3 DLLs + my Executable) 
or there are license limitations that require additional files to be
installed on the end users computers as well?

Ev. Drikos

PS: my apologies for the spoiled line wrapping in my messages.

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