Niels Kristian "Ænkå" Jensen nkj@internetgruppen.dk
Wed Oct 31 13:54:00 GMT 2018

This thread asks for testers. I've read the

https://cygwin.com/faq.html and in particular:

without finding a way to run the test release other than simply 
replacing the cygwin1.dll with the snapshot one. It seems to run fine, 
I've deployed to one of the Jenkins build agents some hours ago.

My question: Is a "test" version of the setup program with an updated 
setup.ini available somewhere?

One use-case is: I can set up one of the build agents to always use the 
"test" version and compare with the "stable" release - to get an early 
warning, if the test version is not compatible with the stable version.

Best regards,
Niels Kristian Jensen
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