Hit Up To SAS Business Intelligence contact

susan wayne susan.wayne@awake-red.com
Mon Oct 29 18:17:00 GMT 2018



I am writing to you regarding our recent list release, to determine whether
you would be interested in acquiring a recently-verified SAS Business
Intelligence contact list for global users.


Every contact from this database has completed verification on October 19th
2018, to give you 85%+ accuracy and ensure that your message reaches the
right contact from the right company.


List contains: Name, Company's Name, Phone Number, Job Title, Email address,
Complete Mailing address, Company revenue, size, Web address etc.


We also provide contact who are using Demo, Looker, Tableau Server, Insight
Squared, Sisense, Microsoft Power BI and many more.

Appreciate your time and look forward to hear from you.

Susan Wayne 
Data Specialist

If you are not the right person, feel free to forward this email to the
right person in your organization.

                              To opt out kindly reply back with
'unsubscribe' or 'leave out'


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