Missing `alloca` symbol - help?

Murray Christopherson murraychristopherson@gmail.com
Tue Oct 16 01:20:00 GMT 2018

I'm not certain this is a problem with Cygwin, but I am unable to find any
issue by looking over the project in question, so I thought I'd ask. Is
this an obvious bug, either in Cygwin or the project itself?

# Steps to reproduce
1. Have the following packages installed (via `cygcheck -c -d`) (asterisk
beside packages that I _believe_ are relevant to the issue):

Package                   Version
_autorebase               001007-1
alternatives              1.3.30c-10
base-cygwin               3.8-1
base-files                4.2-4
bash                      4.4.12-3
binutils                  2.29-1
bzip2                     1.0.6-3
ca-certificates           2.22-1
coreutils                 8.26-2
csih                      0.9.11-1
curl                      7.59.0-1
cygrunsrv                 1.62-1
cygutils                  1.4.16-2
cygwin                    2.11.1-1
cygwin-devel              2.11.1-1
dejavu-fonts              2.37-1
desktop-file-utils        0.23-1
diffutils                 3.5-2
dos2unix                  7.4.0-1
editrights                1.03-1
file                      5.32-1
findutils                 4.6.0-1
gamin                     0.1.10-15
gawk                      4.2.1-1
* gcc-core                  7.3.0-3
getent                    2.18.90-4
git                       2.17.0-1
grep                      3.0-2
groff                     1.22.3-1
gsettings-desktop-schemas 3.24.1-1
gzip                      1.8-1
hostname                  3.13-1
info                      6.5-2
ipc-utils                 1.0-2
less                      530-1
libargp                   20110921-3
libatomic1                7.3.0-3
libattr1                  2.4.46-1
libautotrace3             0.31.1-19
libblkid1                 2.25.2-2
libbz2_1                  1.0.6-3
libcairo2                 1.14.12-1
libcharset1               1.14-3
libcom_err2               1.42.12-2
libcroco0.6_3             0.6.12-1
libcrypt0                 2.1-1
libcurl4                  7.59.0-1
libdatrie1                0.2.8-1
libdb5.3                  5.3.28-2
libedit0                  20130712-1
libEMF1                   1.0.9-1
libexpat1                 2.2.6-1
libfam0                   0.1.10-15
libffi-devel              3.2.1-2
libffi6                   3.2.1-2
libfftw3_3                3.3.8-1
libfontconfig-common      2.12.6-1
libfontconfig1            2.12.6-1
libfreetype6              2.8.1-1
libgcc1                   7.3.0-3
libgcrypt-devel           1.8.2-1
libgcrypt20               1.8.2-1
libgdbm4                  1.12-1
libgdk_pixbuf2.0_0        2.36.11-1
libgif7                   5.1.4-1
libglib2.0_0              2.54.3-1
libgmp10                  6.1.2-1
libgomp1                  7.3.0-3
libgpg-error-devel        1.28-1
libgpg-error0             1.28-1
libgraphite2_3            1.3.10-1
libgs9                    9.25-1
libgssapi_krb5_2          1.15.2-2
libharfbuzz0              1.7.6-1
libICE6                   1.0.9-1
libiconv                  1.14-3
libiconv-devel            1.14-3
libiconv2                 1.14-3
libidn11                  1.33-1
libidn2_0                 2.0.4-1
libisl13                  0.14.1-1
libisl15                  0.16.1-1
libjasper4                2.0.14-1
libjbig2                  2.0-14
libjpeg-devel             1.5.3-1
libjpeg8                  1.5.3-1
libk5crypto3              1.15.2-2
libkrb5_3                 1.15.2-2
libkrb5support0           1.15.2-2
liblcms2_2                2.9-1
libltdl7                  2.4.6-6
liblzma-devel             5.2.3-1
liblzma5                  5.2.3-1
liblzo2_2                 2.10-1
libmetalink3              0.1.2-1
libming1                  0.4.8-2
libmpc3                   1.1.0-1
libmpfr4                  3.1.6-1p1
libmpfr6                  4.0.1-4p11
libncursesw10             6.0-12.20171125
libnghttp2_14             1.31.0-1
libopenldap2_4_2          2.4.42-1
libopenssl100             1.0.2p-1
libp11-kit0               0.23.10-1
libpango1.0_0             1.40.14-1
libpaper-common           1.1.24-2
libpaper1                 1.1.24-2
libpcre1                  8.40-3
libpipeline1              1.4.0-1
libpixman1_0              0.34.0-1
libplotter2               2.6-5
libpng16                  1.6.34-1
libpopt-common            1.16-2
libpopt0                  1.16-2
libpsl5                   0.18.0-1
libpstoedit0              3.73-1
libquadmath0              7.3.0-3
libreadline7              7.0.3-3
librsvg2_2                2.40.20-1
libsasl2_3                2.1.26-11
libsigsegv2               2.10-2
libSM6                    1.2.2-1
libsmartcols1             2.25.2-2
libsqlite3_0              3.21.0-1
libssh2_1                 1.7.0-1
libssp0                   6.4.0-4
libstdc++6                7.3.0-3
libtasn1_6                4.13-1
libthai0                  0.1.26-1
libtiff6                  4.0.9-1
libtool                   2.4.6-6
libunistring2             0.9.10-1
libuuid-devel             2.25.2-2
libuuid1                  2.25.2-2
libwebp7                  0.6.1-2
libwebpmux3               0.6.1-2
libX11_6                  1.6.5-1
libXau6                   1.0.8-1
libXaw7                   1.0.13-1
libxcb-render0            1.12-2
libxcb-shm0               1.12-2
libxcb1                   1.12-2
libXdmcp6                 1.1.2-1
libXext6                  1.3.3-1
libXft2                   2.3.2-1
libxml2                   2.9.4-2
libxml2-devel             2.9.4-2
libxmlsec1-devel          1.2.24-1
libxmlsec1_1              1.2.24-1
libXmu6                   1.1.2-1
libXpm4                   3.5.12-1
libXrender1               0.9.9-1
libxslt                   1.1.29-1
libxslt-devel             1.1.29-1
libXt6                    1.1.5-1
libzip5                   1.5.1-1
login                     1.12-1
mintty                    2.9.3-0
ncurses                   6.0-12.20171125
openssh                   7.8p1-1
openssl                   1.0.2p-1
p11-kit                   0.23.10-1
p11-kit-trust             0.23.10-1
perl                      5.26.2-1
perl-Carp                 1.38-2
perl-Error                0.17026-1
perl-Scalar-List-Utils    1.50-1
perl-TermReadKey          2.37-2
perl_autorebase           5.26.2-1
perl_base                 5.26.2-1
pkg-config                0.29.1-1
publicsuffix-list-dafsa   20180523-1
python2                   2.7.14-1
python2-six               1.10.0-1
* python3                   3.6.4-1
python3-appdirs           1.4.3-1
python3-asn1crypto        0.22.0-1
python3-cffi              1.9.1-1
python3-chardet           2.3.0-1
python3-cryptography      1.8.1-1
python3-devel             3.6.4-1
python3-idna              2.5-1
python3-lockfile          0.12.2-1
python3-lxml              3.7.3-1
python3-openssl           16.2.0-1
python3-packaging         16.8-1
* python3-pip               9.0.1-1
python3-ply               3.9-1
python3-pyasn1            0.2.3-1
python3-pycparser         2.17-1
python3-pyparsing         2.1.10-1
python3-requests          2.13.0-1
python3-setuptools        34.3.2-1
python3-six               1.10.0-1
python3-urllib3           1.20-1
python3-wheel             0.30.0a0-1
rebase                    4.4.4-1
rsync                     3.1.2-1
run                       1.3.4-2
sed                       4.4-1
shared-mime-info          1.8-1
sqlite3                   3.21.0-1
sqlite3-vfslog            3.21.0-1
tar                       1.29-1
terminfo                  6.0-12.20171125
tig                       2.2-1
tzcode                    2018e-1
tzdata                    2018e-1
util-linux                2.25.2-2
vim                       8.0.1567-1
vim-common                8.0.1567-1
vim-minimal               8.0.1567-1
w32api-headers            5.0.4-1
w32api-runtime            5.0.4-1
which                     2.20-2
windows-default-manifest  6.4-1
xxd                       8.0.1567-1
xz                        5.2.3-1
zlib                      1.2.11-1
zlib-devel                1.2.11-1
zlib0                     1.2.11-1

2. Run `pip install cmarkgfm==0.2.0`

# Expected result
Install cmarkgfm package

# Observed result
Fails to install. Particularly, the error output makes multiple mentions of
`undefined reference to `alloca'` during linking (full error log at

# Notes
As far as I can tell, `alloca` is a standard Unix function (though
deprecated). Also, in Cygwin, `/usr/includes/alloca/h` exists, suggesting
the function _should_ exist to be linked without further packages? That's
the extent of what I've been able to glean.

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