FW: gcc Segmentation fault when compiling

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Tue Aug 21 09:28:00 GMT 2018

Am 20.08.2018 um 19:11 schrieb tlake:

> To: 'cygwin@cygwin.com' <cygwin@cygwin.com>
> Subject: gcc Segmentation fault when compiling
> Since Windows 10 Build 17741, I get the error below when trying to compile
> any C program:
> gcc: internal compiler error: Segmentation fault (program cc1)
> Please submit a full bug report,
> with preprocessed source if appropriate.
> See <https://gcc.gnu.org/bugs/> for instructions.
> make: *** [makefile:55: tbas] Error 4
> This happens in both 32 and 64-bit versions of Cygwin. It doesn't happen if
> I run the same compile
> in Linux or in Cygwin on a different version of Windows.
> I couldn't attach the cygcheck file. It was too big.

can you upload somewhere ?
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