top exits spuriously on R2016
Achim Gratz
Thu Aug 16 21:08:00 GMT 2018
Achim Gratz writes:
> I've got my new R2016 server re-configured to only have a single
> processor group instead of two (and HT switched off to match the
> available memory better to my median memory usage per core).
> However, top still spuriously exits (I originally thought it had to do
> with top not being processor group aware). When starting it in an RDP
> session in mintty, it will most of the time exit without any output at
> all or after clearing the screen. Running it remotely via ssh through
> screen / tmux it'll typically exit while in the middle the first refresh
> (after the initial display) partially emitted. Piping stdout and stderr
> through less or into a file will often show the error message
> top: failed openproc: Bad address
> before the exit. Running it via strace in a separate window it keeps
> working just fine. I think it may be hitting a race condition, but I'm
> running out of ideas with this Heisenbug.
> Is anyone seeing something similar and/ or having suggestion for a
> workaround?
The issue seems to be solved with the test version of Cygwin 2.11.0 as
well as a different problem I've had with GNU parallel on the same
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