john doe johndoe65534@mail.com
Tue Aug 14 06:09:00 GMT 2018

On 8/14/2018 12:26 AM, Houder wrote:
> On 2018-08-14 00:16, Eric Blake wrote:
>> On 08/13/2018 04:29 PM, Houder wrote:
>>>> The modication would require changing:
>>>> winsup/cygwin/fenv.cc (_feinitialise() )
>>>> winsup/cygwin/include/fenv.h (FE_ALL_EXCEPT)
>>> GRRR! The file encoding of fenv.h is "cp1252" because of 2 characters 
>>> in this
>>> line:
>>>       Intel® 64 and IA-32 Architectures Software Developer’s Manuals:
>>> ... part of a comment at the beginning of the file.
>>> (the registered trademark sign (u00ae) is encoded as 0xae (cp1252), 
>>> while it
>>>   would be: 0xc2 0xae, in utf-8,
>>>   the right single quotation mark (u2019) is encoded as 0x92 
>>> (cp1252), but in
>>>   utf-8 it would be: 0xc2 0x80 0x98)
>>> I intend to convert the file encoding of fenv.h to utf-8. Is that a 
>>> "No-No"
>>> or is it allowed? (I assume GIT will notice).
>> In general, git doesn't care if you change a file's encoding - that's
>> just another content change.  In practice, you may get weird effects
>> when viewing that particular patch (as the patch is not well-formed in
>> the new multibyte locale, and looks funky when displayed in the old
>> locale), and emailing a patch may require care in telling git which
>> encoding to use for the email; but that's cosmetic, and shouldn't
>> matter in the long run.  Updating the code base to uniformly use UTF-8
>> seems reasonable to me.
> ... and emailing a patch may require care in telling git which encoding
> to use for the email ... Huh, huh ?????
> Last time I used:
>   - git format-patch
>   - git send-mail
> Am I safe here?

To better understand what has happened in the code cosmetic changes 
should be done in separate commits.

- Code changes -- Will only change the code.
- Cosmetic changes -- Will only change the cosmetic aspect of the code 
(encoding, spacing, indentation ...)

In most cases you can simply do 'git send-email' and pass the options 
for 'git format-patch' at the end of the cmd:

$ git send-email master --to=me@example.com --reroll-count 1 --rfc

The options '--reroll-count, --rfc' are format-patch options.

John Doe

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