[a tangent but hopefully not OT question] Re: Malwarebytes flags qdbusviewer-qt5.exe as Adware.Elex malware

Paul Allen Newell pnewell@cs.cmu.edu
Mon Mar 20 06:52:00 GMT 2017

On 03/19/2017 01:23 PM, René Berber wrote:
> On 3/19/2017 12:18 PM, Ed Koerber via cygwin wrote:
>> It bears asking to be thorough... are we sure that the cygwin package
>> has not been compromised somehow?
> You are correct in not taking unsubstantiated remarks as useful.
> We usually run the program in question through https://www.virustotal.com/
> If several, reputable, scanners flag it as a virus, then its probably a
> virus.
> Hope this helps.


I looked at https://www.virustotal.com/ and found it interesting. That 
being said, everything on it looked "pc" and "windows" except for one 
report of issues which seemed OS/Mac based.

I went through all the documentation and tabs to other pages as best I 
could (including the FAQ).

I could not get a clear answer as to whether this site handled any and 
all queries was platform agnostic or limited to Windows (and maybe OSX).

I have to deal with Windows via Cygwin, OSX, and Centos/Fedora and can't 
figure out if I can send anything from any platform to this site.

Thanks in advance for humouring my tangent within this same thread (I 
made sure I changed the subject to reflect the tangent)


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