<<expr 100 * 100>> returns syntax error

45ownu+e60iporpd8lec@guerrillamail.com 45ownu+e60iporpd8lec@guerrillamail.com
Thu Jul 28 12:58:00 GMT 2016

Steps to reproduce (I cannot update cygwin on this server, but it also happen on 2.5.2(0.297/5/3)):
Main window:
  $ uname -r
  $ expr 100 * 100

Other window:
  $ $ uname -r
  $ HOST=myhostname
  $ echo 'whatever' > $HOST.txt

Main window:
  $set -xv 
  $expr 100 * 100
  + expr 100 myhostname.txt 100
  syntax error


When this happen I can only fix by rebooting the server, which is obviously unideal!
Here my questions:
   1) How can I reset cygwin to the initial behaviour without rebooting?
   2) why does this happen? how to prevent this?

Thank you :)

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