Tesseract 3.04 - Cygwin64 - Windows 8.1 - Can't open makebox

Schmitz, Marco marco.schmitz@adesso-mobile.de
Mon Sep 21 09:04:00 GMT 2015

I am using Windows 8.1 and Cygwin64 in order to run Tesseract 3.04.

Running the following command:

    tesseract arbeitsunfaehigkeit.hausarzt.exp0.jpg arbeitsunfaehigkeit batch.nochop makebox

results in the following output:

    Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.04.00 with Leptonica
    read_params_file: Can't open makebox

And this is after I fixed the output:

    Tesseract Open Source OCR Engine v3.04.00 with Leptonica
    Error opening data file C:\DEV\tesseract\Tesseract-OCR\tessdata/eng.traineddata
    Please make sure the TESSDATA_PREFIX environment variable is set to the parent directory of your "tessdata" directory.
    Failed loading language 'eng'
    Tesseract couldn't load any languages!
    Could not initialize tesseract.

Using the following line in .bash_profile:

    export TESSDATA_PREFIX="/cygdrive/c/DEV/cygwin64/usr/share/tessdata/"

It seems to be a Cygwin64 issue because using Windows command line (added C:\DEV\cygwin64\bin to PATH and setting TESSDATA_PREFIX to C:\DEV\cygwin64\usr\share\tessdata) it works nicely.

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