Rebase, Peflags, and cygserver

Ken Brown
Sat Mar 28 00:52:00 GMT 2015

On 3/27/2015 4:28 PM, Achim Gratz wrote:
> J. David Boyd writes:
>> What I'm doing (with some success)is this:
>> 1. get latest cygwin update
>> 2. del /etc/rebase*
>> 3. rebaseall -v
>> 4. peflagsall -v
>> 5. don't restart cygserver (This means my bash shell window starts a little
>> slower, but I can live with that.)
>  From the announcement of _autorebase:
> To perform a full rebase, execute "rebase-trigger fullrebase".  Then
> shut down Cygwin and simply run setup.exe.  The rebase will be
> performed even when the installation did not get modified in any way.
> Any subsequent runs of setup.exe will again rebase in incremental
> mode.
>> I usually have to do this 2 to 3 times before I can get emacs to start without
>> vfork errors.
> Do you use Cygwin Emacs or something else?
>> Also, I often run Cygwin Setup (to get something I've missed, like wget..., or
>> check for updates) while emacs is running.  Should I shut it down first?
> Depends, but anything that could interfere with the rebase is a
> potential problem.

I've run into the OP's problem occasionally, where a full rebase doesn't 
fix all rebase/fork problems.  What's worked for me on those occasions 
is to reboot the computer and then run a full rebase.  I once saw an 
explanation of why rebooting makes a difference, but I don't remember 
what it was.


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