"cannot create hard link X to Y: Operation not permitted" on ext2fsd-mounted ext2 drive from cygwin cp -al

Andrey Repin anrdaemon@yandex.ru
Thu Mar 26 19:12:00 GMT 2015

Greetings, Kevin Field!

> /cygdrive/d/ is a USB hard disk formatted as ext2 and mounted with
> [ext2fsd][1].

> When I try `cp -al /cygdrive/d/X /cygdrive/d/Y` where X is a file, I get 
> the error in the title.

> Things I've Tried/Verified
> ---

> I did `chmod -R 777 /cygdrive/d` but I still get the same result.

> I am running as local administrator, who is the owner of /cygdrive/d.

> X is a file, not a directory.

> Windows Server 2012 R2 running cygwin64 current as of today.

> It's ext2 because I can, for example, `touch 
> /cygdrive/d/filename_with_a_colon:in_it` and it works and I can see it 
> with `ls`.  Not to mention, it says so in ext2fsd and the Windows Disk 
> Manager.

> Ironically, the same syntax on an NTFS drive works fine and creates an 
> NTFS hardlink.

> I've also tried reformatting the drive as ext3, with the same results. 
> I *had* figured on ext2 being more likely to be fully supported on 
> account of it being older than ext3/4, but I guess it doesn't make a 
> difference.

> The question
> --

> How can I create simple ext2 hardlinks with cygwin?

/lib/csih/getVolInfo.exe /cygdrive/d


>    [1]: http://www.ext2fsd.com/

Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@yandex.ru) 26.03.2015, <21:59>

Sorry for my terrible english...

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