update trouble 1.7.35

Steve Johnson siegsters@gmail.com
Tue Mar 24 19:53:00 GMT 2015

Corinna Vinschen <corinna-cygwin <at> cygwin.com> writes:

> This "uid=4294967295(Unknown+User) gid=4294967295(Unknown+Group)"
> should only happen if you have /etc/nsswitch.conf is set to "files"
> only, and there's no entry in /etc/passwd with a matching SID.
> That's the only way I can reproduce this behaviour.
> Corinna

Hi Corinna,

Where could I get the gpg key to send, as you had suggested earlier? I've tried 
posting replies with the requested information many times, but they all have 
seemed to fail...

Sorry for the added complexity.

Steve Johnson

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