update trouble 1.7.35
Lemke, Michael ST/HZA-ZSW
Tue Mar 24 15:50:00 GMT 2015
On Tuesday, March 24, 2015 3:04 PM Corinna Vinschen wrote:
>On Mar 24 13:28, Steve Johnson wrote:
>> I am having the same issue, but from a fresh install of cygwin64.
>The problem is this: I can't reproduce this. I need a means to
>reproduce this to be able to fix it. I'm totally stumped by this weird
>problem because it seems LookupAccountSid fails and I never saw that
>before and don't see this on my machines and in my environment.
Ok, let's see what I can come up with. For the test I cut
down passwd to just a single line and removed /etc/group - the problem
still occurs. From a cmd window:
C:\NCygwin\bin>cat ..\etc\nsswitch.conf
passwd: files
group: files
C:\NCygwin\bin>getent passwd %USERNAME%
uid=4294967295(Unknown+User) gid=4294967295(Unknown+Group) groups=545(Users),555
(Remote Desktop Users)
strace output (hopefully) attached.
Anything else you'd like me try?
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