[Cygwin installer 1.7.35] Force Install from internet option in quiet-mode

Lukasz Pielak pielak@gmail.com
Mon Mar 23 19:24:00 GMT 2015


I am trying to execute cygwin installation in --quiet-mode.

I would like to have the 'Install from internet' option always set,
similar to what you get using the --download option for 'Download

Here is the snipped i am using:

setup-x86.exe --quiet-mode --upgrade-also --site="%MIRROR%" --no-admin
--no-shortcuts --no-startmenu --no-desktop --root="%CYGWIN_HOME%"

If enforcing 'Install from internet' option is not possible, how can I
remove the state of previous installation? I haven't find anything in
the windows registry so it must be somewhere on the filesystem, right?

Thank you

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