[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: autossh 1.4e-1

Andrew Schulman schulman.andrew@epa.gov
Mon Mar 23 08:57:00 GMT 2015

A new release of autossh is available in the Cygwin distribution.  This is a new
upstream release, with a small adjustment to how poll times are chosen.  See
http://www.harding.motd.ca/autossh/CHANGES for a full list of changes.

autossh is a program to start an instance of ssh and monitor it, restarting it
as necessary should it die or stop passing traffic. autossh monitors connections
by sending data through a loop of port forwardings, and checking that the data
returns.  autossh backs off on the rate of connection attempts when experiencing
rapid failures such as connection refused.  It includes an NT service mode,
which works well for unattended operation as an NT system service using

Andrew E. Schulman


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