[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: perl-5.14.4-3

Erwin Waterlander waterlan@xs4all.nl
Sun Mar 15 18:15:00 GMT 2015

Op 15-03-15 om 12:18 schreef Achim Gratz:
> Erwin Waterlander writes:
>> It looks like this http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/tmp/dos2unix.htm
>> while it should look like
>> http://waterlan.home.xs4all.nl/dos2unix/uk/man1/dos2unix.htm
>> It could be a pod2html bug. I know that between perl 5.14.2 and 5.18
>> the pod2html output changed from plain UTF-8 to ASCII with ampersand
>> codes. I have asked the maintainer about it, but I got no answer.
> If you don't define PERL_UNICODE (it must not be present at all in the
> environment) then it should work.  The version of pod2html that comes
> with 5.14 doesn't understand coding directives and has bugs with IO
> layers, so if you make Perl unicode aware it'll encode the output twice.
> Now, it seems that using Pod::Html and pod2html from 5.18 (which has the
> GSoC patches from Marc Green) might work, but since this is not
> available as a CPAN distribution and I'm not sure who else might use
> Pod::Html in creative ways, I'd rather not go there.

Hi Achim,

You are right. When I remove PERL_UNICODE a correct the html is correct. 
Correct title and correct content, all nicely in UTF-8.

I added PERL_UNICODE=SDA, because of perl 5.18 (on Linux). Perl 5.18 
pod2html produces a wrong html title (double encoded?) when I don't set 
PERL_UNICODE. I find it weird that I have to set PERL_UNICODE for perl 
5.18 while I'm in an UTF-8 environment. I also don't like all the 
ampersand codes that perl 5.18 produces instead of UTF-8. The output of 
perl 5.14 pod2html is much better.

Thanks for your help.

best regards,


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