GCC / make escaping differences
Denis Washington
Fri Mar 13 14:54:00 GMT 2015
Achim Gratz writes:
> Denis Washington <denis <at> denisw.de> writes:
> > I suspected that this had something to do with the gcc command defined in
> the Makefile, which includes
> > backslashes to escape quotes in -D values like this:
> >
> > -DNOKOGIRI_LIBXML2_PATH\=\"/home/.../2.9.2\"
> -----------------------------^
> I'd rather suspect the problem here.
Maybe, but in my eyes that wouldn't explain why this is a GCC compilation error at the line where NOKOGIRI_LIBXML2_PATH is expanded, rather than an shell syntax error. Also, \= seems to cause no problem when passed to bash, as explained.
FYI, my understanding from looking at Nokogiri's extconf.rb (which generates the Makefile) is that the escaping is the result of calling Ruby's Shellwords#shellescape method [1] on the string '-DNOKOGIRI="/home/.../2.9.2"', so I guess one can assume that the result is valid bourne shell syntax.
[1] http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-1.9.3/libdoc/shellwords/rdoc/Shellwords.html#method-c-shellescape
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