Quanta Plus in cygwin?

Eliot Moss moss@cs.umass.edu
Tue Mar 10 23:22:00 GMT 2015

On 3/10/2015 6:59 PM, Gery . wrote:
> Thanks Dave for the reply, I get the same here, is it possible to install KDE? it seems that it is according to this http://comments.gmane.org/gmane.os.cygwin.ports.general/1264
> Or the problem is that my cygwin is too old to have it?, I found this http://artfiles.org/cygwin.org/pub/cygwinports/x86/release/kde-workspace/kdebase-startkde/ and I imagine that only newer versions has it already installed.

Dear Gery -- kde is not available in cygwin, per se, but can be obtained built for cygwin
from cygports, apparently.

Regards -- Eliot Moss

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