Xwin crashes at start
jaakov jaakov
Sun Mar 8 07:37:00 GMT 2015
Dear all:
While executing the command "Xwin Server" from Windows 8.1, the server won't start. Apparently, the executed command is
C:\cygwin64\bin\run.exe --quote /usr/bin/bash.exe -l -c "cd; /usr/bin/startxwin"
The file C:\cygwin64\run.exe.stackdump is produced. Instead I expect, however, an X Server and an xterm window.
On the other hand, starting first "Cygwin64 terminal" does create a text console shell, and running
startxwin &
from this shell does give me an X Server and an xterm window.
A complete removal of the C:\cygwin64 directory and reinstalling did not help. Afterwards, reinstalling xinit did not help.
Attachments: run.exe.stackdump and the output of cygcheck -s -v -r.
Any help?
Best, jaakov.
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