Why does cl -l returns "Administrators" as owner?

Mirko Vukovic mirko.vukovic@gmail.com
Fri Apr 3 14:03:00 GMT 2015

This is not an only Cygwin question (I see it also in the output of
the Windows version of
Emacs's dired).

For some files in my directories, the output of ls -l gives the
"Administrators" as owner.

This is puzzling to me because:
- There is no Administrators user listed in the Windows accounts
- Under Explorer/Properties/Details, the user is my domain/my user id
which is what I expect

I looked in the FAQ, Documentation, Google (both cygwin and emacs).

This causes problems for remote activities via ssh.  I cannot operate
on these files, unless I
do a chown to my user id.  But this then changes some of the
permissions as well.  And this
can then lead to problems down the line if not done carefully - me and
my sysadmin I learned
the hard way :-)



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