"su" command removed / coreutils-8.23-2

Yaakov Selkowitz yselkowitz@cygwin.com
Fri Sep 12 04:13:00 GMT 2014

On 2014-09-11 22:16, Denis MÃŒhle wrote:
> i need "su" to start my services as seperate user,
> because i have a webinterface to manage my services for both Linux and
> Windows and it needs the "su" command.
>   - will the "su" command  come back to cygwin?

I don't know.  The coreutils 'su' was removed upstream; nowadays 'su' is 
provided by util-linux, but that version requires PAM.

>   - or is there a alternative workaround? ( without password /  login )

You can run sshd on the machine, then use ssh to login as another user.


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