[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: texinfo-5.2-3
Ken Brown
Sun Nov 2 15:19:00 GMT 2014
On 11/2/2014 8:30 AM, Angelo Graziosi wrote:
> Ken Brown wrote:
>> ...but the command 'makeinfo --pdf' won't work unless you install texinfo-tex
> Before the splitting I had installed the texinfo package and it did not require
> any TeXLive packages.
That was because I had decided not to require texlive, since so much of the
functionality of texinfo was usable without it. But it was still the case with
the old packaging that 'makeinfo --pdf' wouldn't work without a TeX installation.
> Now If I try to install also texinfo-tex package, setup wants to install also
> texlive packages which I don't need.
The whole point of texinfo-tex is that it contains those programs from the old
texinfo package that are useless without TeX. So naturally texinfo-tex requires
> Indeed I already have TexLive installed as
> monolithic distribution from TeXLive site.
That's a completely different issue, not really related to texinfo. If there
are Cygwin packages that require TeX in order to function, I think maintainers
have to make them depend on texlive. Users who choose to install TeX from
another source will find this annoying, but I don't see what I can do about
that. Some Linux distros have mechanisms for dealing with this situation; I
don't remember the details, but somehow it's possible to declare that you have
installed something equivalent to a given package. But Cygwin's setup doesn't
provide this feature.
> It looks as if we have exchanged Perl with TeXLive...
Not really. The issue with Perl was that it was included in a *default* Cygwin
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