LPR output disappearing

Adam Dinwoodie adam@dinwoodie.org
Sun Jun 29 18:51:00 GMT 2014

On Sat, Jun 28, 2014 at 01:23:35PM +0400, Andrey Repin wrote:
> Well, at least, now we know that iPhone email client properly insert threading
> headers :D

Except that David's email replies included the sender's email address in
the reply, which is a pretty big no-no given the emails are archived

On the assumption that it isn't possible to configure the iPhone email
client to just not do that per [0], please remember to remove those
email addresses before sending.

[0]: https://cygwin.com/acronyms/#PCYMTNQREAIYR

(In this case I don't think it matters, given Andrey already includes
his raw email address in his email signatures, and so presumably doesn't
mind that they'll get picked up by crawlers who pick up on such things.)

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