LPR output disappearing

David Masterson dsmasterson@gmail.com
Sat Jun 28 06:00:00 GMT 2014

Andrey Repin <anrdaemon@yandex.ru> writes:

> Greetings, David Masterson!
>> I created a PDF file with Org-Mode in Emacs and used "gv" and "lpr" to
>> try to output.  I have a Dell A10 printer attached to my Acer PC.  The
>> output looked like it was going to work in that the Dell popup that
>> shows that the printer is about to print something popped up.  However,
>> it took a long time and eventually did nothing.  I turned around and
>> printed the same file with Adobe Acrobat Reader and it printed fine, so
>> I guess the file is proper PDF.  This is my first time attempting to do
>> a printout with "lpr" in Cygwin, so maybe I haven't configured something
>> appropriately or given lpr the proper arguments (I think it was given
>> just the filename).
>> Anyone know what's wrong?
> If I understand you correctly, you've just tried to send PDF over to
> the printer through LPR?  I'm afraid, it just not going to work, at
> all.  LPR, in essence, is just a file transfer tool. It doesn't do any
> format conversion. Unless your printer natively understand PDF format
> (which I highly doubt), it would only output random ASCII garbage, or,
> as you've found out, nothing at best. (Nothing is actually the best
> possible output, trust me...)

I understand what you are saying here.  I had forgotten this issue and
have forgotten some of the answer to this issue.  Let me summarize

1. I have a PDF file.
2. The PDF file prints fine via AcroRead under Windows 8.1.
3. The PDF file displays properly via GV under Cygwin.
4. The PDF file doesn't print via GV to LPR from Cygwin.
4.1. The printout causes the usual print popup.
4.2. The popup takes a long time.
4.3. Ultimately, no printout comes out.
5. You suggest that the PDF file is going to the printer by LPR, but is
being ignored because it needs to be processed into a print compatible

My questions are:

1. GV is displaying the file correctly, so hasn't it already been
processed before sending it to LPR?
2. LPR is the default print mechanism for GV, so wasn't this issue
previously handled?
3. If not, how do people send PDF/PS printouts from Cygwin to the
underlying, locally attached Windows printer?
4. Could this be a simple case of improper line endings (NL vs CRLF)
and, if so, shouldn't LPR handle that conversion?

The answer to #3 is what I'm most interested in.

> --
> WBR,
> Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@yandex.ru) 28.06.2014, <04:24>
> Sorry for my terrible english...

Forgive my English and repeated answers -- problems of trying to use the
iPhone for email when your fingers don't always do what you want... :-(

David Masterson
Programmer At Large

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