LPR output disappearing
David Masterson
Sat Jun 28 01:35:00 GMT 2014
Hmmm. Then why is LPR the default for printing from GV ? GV was able to display the file fine
Sent from my iPhone
> On Jun 27, 2014, at 5:27 PM, Andrey Repin <anrdaemon@yandex.ru> wrote:
> Greetings, David Masterson!
>> I created a PDF file with Org-Mode in Emacs and used "gv" and "lpr" to
>> try to output. I have a Dell A10 printer attached to my Acer PC. The
>> output looked like it was going to work in that the Dell popup that
>> shows that the printer is about to print something popped up. However,
>> it took a long time and eventually did nothing. I turned around and
>> printed the same file with Adobe Acrobat Reader and it printed fine, so
>> I guess the file is proper PDF. This is my first time attempting to do
>> a printout with "lpr" in Cygwin, so maybe I haven't configured something
>> appropriately or given lpr the proper arguments (I think it was given
>> just the filename).
>> Anyone know what's wrong?
> If I understand you correctly, you've just tried to send PDF over to the
> printer through LPR?
> I'm afraid, it just not going to work, at all.
> LPR, in essence, is just a file transfer tool. It doesn't do any format
> conversion. Unless your printer natively understand PDF format (which I highly
> doubt), it would only output random ASCII garbage, or, as you've found out,
> nothing at best. (Nothing is actually the best possible output, trust me...)
> --
> WBR,
> Andrey Repin (anrdaemon@yandex.ru) 28.06.2014, <04:24>
> Sorry for my terrible english...
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