pipe error on 64bit

Marco Atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Fri Jun 20 15:00:00 GMT 2014


trying to debug why recent postgresql code is failing only on
cygwin64 (all other platform and cygwin 32 are fine)

$ uname -vrm
1.7.30(0.272/5/3) 2014-05-23 10:36 x86_64

I noticed this strange output in the strace log

   102    6076 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::connect: 
Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-0eb90a57d5759b7b-lpc
   115    6191 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::connect: 
Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-0eb90a57d5759b7b-lpc
   600    6791 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::write: 
error writing to pipe, error = 233
    27    6818 [main] pg_regress 8200 __set_errno: virtual ssize_t 
transport_layer_pipes::write(void*, size_t):223 setting errno 22
    28    6846 [main] pg_regress 8200 client_request::send: request body 
write failure: only 18446744073709551615 bytes sent of 36, error = 22(233)
                      ^^^ ?

  1436    8282 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::connect: 
Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-0eb90a57d5759b7b-lpc
   375    8657 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::write: 
error writing to pipe, error = 233
    27    8684 [main] pg_regress 8200 __set_errno: virtual ssize_t 
transport_layer_pipes::write(void*, size_t):223 setting errno 22
    27    8711 [main] pg_regress 8200 client_request::send: request body 
write failure: only 18446744073709551615 bytes sent of 24, error = 22(233)
   204    8915 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::connect: 
Try to connect to named pipe: \\.\pipe\cygwin-0eb90a57d5759b7b-lpc
   391    9306 [main] pg_regress 8200 transport_layer_pipes::write: 
error writing to pipe, error = 233
    28    9334 [main] pg_regress 8200 __set_errno: virtual ssize_t 
transport_layer_pipes::write(void*, size_t):223 setting errno 22
    19    9353 [main] pg_regress 8200 client_request::send: request body 
write failure: only 18446744073709551615 bytes sent of 12, error = 22(233)

it looks a possible mismatch in the size of some variable

Suggestion ?

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