"warning: could not match any font: *-normal-normal-10"

Charles Walrus awarmwalrus@gmail.com
Thu Jun 19 04:23:00 GMT 2014

Hello sorry to bother.
I did research, could not find relevant support for this problem, so I
am coming to the mailing list as last ditch.

Here's the problem: When I try to use plot in octave, I get the
following output:

"warning: could not match any font: *-normal-normal-10
warning: ft_render: unable to load appropriate font
... [repeated roughly 100 times]
warning: could not match any font: *-normal-normal-10
warning: ft_render: unable to load appropriate font
panic: Aborted -- stopping myself...
attempting to save variables to 'octave-workspace'...
save to 'octave-workspace' complete
Aborted (core dumped)"

Then it quits octave and returns me back to the terminal.
I am using Cygwin on a Windows 8 system.
I am using octave 3.8.1.
It doesn't seem to be that I'm missing any critical files because I do
have etc/fonts.conf where it should be. But honestly I have no clue
and it doesn't seem like anybody else is having this specific problem.
Most other people who received the double warnings seemed to have
additional errors and path configuration errors that provided some
information. Any help is greatly appreciated, and, though I have done
a lot of research already, I hope that this hasn't already been

Thank you

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