[ANNOUNCEMENT] Updated: Unicode text editor MinEd 2014.24

mined@towo.net mined@towo.net
Wed Jun 18 18:53:00 GMT 2014

The package is now available for setup.

>                             MinEd 2014.24
>                              (June 2014)
> Major enhancements in this release:
> This is a major update with a list of new features and enhancements.
> Internationalization and Character information:
> * Revamped smart quotes feature.
>    * Revised Quotes menu according to investigations of international styles.
>    * Supporting opening quotation mark repetition for new paragraphs.
>    * Automatic French quotation marks spacing.
>    * Primary/alternate styles controlled by locale environment or option.
> * Tuned special title casing (Shift-F3) e.g. for Dutch "IJsselmeer".
> * Updated to Unicode 6.3.
> Editing:
> * File tabs and file name tab titles for quick file selection and browsing.
> * Revamped rectangular text selection.
>    * Toggle with Alt-mouse-move during click-and-drag.
>    * Consistent selection to mouse position (even on shorter lines)
>        including shifted lines.
> * Revamped and enhanced HTML and scripting highlighting.
>    * Distinct highlighting for HTML/XML/JSP attributes and values.
> * TAB width 2 enabled in addition to 4 or 8.
> * Smarter clipboard pasting (cygwin/Windows).
> User configuration:
> * Enhanced user configuration features.
>    * Preferences specific for file name pattern or terminal type.
>    * Consistent handling of preferences when editing multiple files.
>    * Added cursor style setting preference.
> File handling improvements
> Terminal interworking improvements
> * (mlterm, tmux, older xterm, missing terminfo, CJK in 'screen')
> Bug fixes:
> * File handling: Various pipe handling fixes.
> * File handling: Detecting "quota exceeded" write error.
> * Case conversion function fixes.
> * Handling search expressions with ^M or \r.
> * Keyboard: Ctrl-Backarrow again deleting only one character.
> * Fixed some menu handling cases.
> * Fixed input of typographic apostrophe in some cases.
> * Made file basename visible in long prompt lines.
> * HTML highlighting cases, especially after insert.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Mined is a powerful text editor with a comprehensive yet concise and
> easy-to-use user interface supporting modern interaction paradigms,
> and fast, small-footprint behaviour.
> Mined provides both extensive Unicode and CJK support offering many
> specific features and covering special cases that other editors
> are not aware of (like auto-detection features and automatic handling
> of terminal variations, or Han character information).
> Mined supports full mouse control and menu system in plain-text terminals
> (and it was the first editor supporting Unicode in xterm).
> Mined offers a full set of text and file management features, like
> data loss prevention (<img align=absmiddle src=new.gif title=2011.19>
> using backup, recovery files, and file locking
> interoperable with other editors, and file change monitoring),
> an interactive file chooser, and
> an interactive file switcher.
> Basically, mined is an editor tailored to reliable and efficient
> editing of plain text documents and programs, with comfortable
> features and intuitive interactive behaviour designed for this purpose.
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> To install mined on cygwin, run the cygwin setup program,
> in the "Select Packages" menu, open the "Editors" category and
> select the mined package.
> More information (with screenshots, feature overview and change log)
> and download are available from the mined web site at
> 	<http://towo.net/mined/>
> Mined is co-hosted at sourceforge and has a mailing list
> which can be subscribed at
> 	<https://lists.sourceforge.net/lists/listinfo/mined-editor>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Thomas Wolff
> mined@towo.net

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