Website: Package listing not working + cygport query

Yaakov Selkowitz
Wed Jun 18 05:04:00 GMT 2014

On 2014-06-17 10:32, Christopher Faylor wrote:
> I'm surprised that I haven't seen this before: The name that you used to
> generate your packages was "David Stacey/None".  My parser wasn't
> expecting a name with a space and I didn't detect the fact that the
> parsing failed (#($& just realized that I forgot to fix that).  So it
> was just outputting a '0' size, one per line.
> Yaakov, wouldn't it make sense not to just use 0/0 as user/group when
> generating packages with cygport by forcing --owner=0, --group=0 to the
> tar command?  I'm not suggesting that this is the right way to fix this
> particular problem but I don't think it's a good idea to leak people's
> names and groups out onto the interwebs if we can help it.  It will also
> make the packages slightly smaller.

That would undermine any legitimate specification of gid/uid.  I would 
like to see how this is handled in the Linux distros first.


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