rebaseall breaks some packages(?)

David Stacey
Tue Jun 17 17:33:00 GMT 2014

On 17/06/14 09:28, Marco Atzeri wrote:
> On 17/06/2014 08:40, Katsumi Yamaoka wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I updated the Cygwin installation on Win7 SP1 32-bit yesterday
>> (using setup-x86.exe) and got unable to use some commands.
>> For instance, when I tried to update the Emacs source by using
>> bzr+ssh I got:
>> $ cd emacs/trunk
>> $ bzr update
>>      0 [main] python2.7 3856 child_info_fork::abort: address\
>>      space needed by '_AES.dll' (0x5B0000) is already occupied
>>      bzr: ERROR: Don't know how to handle SSH connections. Please\
>>      set BZR_SSH environment variable.
> (0x5B0000) is a very low address, I guess your rebase was not really
> successful.
> on my system the address is much higher
>  $rebase -i /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/_AES.dll
> /usr/lib/python2.7/site-packages/Crypto/Cipher/_AES.dll base 
> 0x4b5b0000 size 0x0                                                
> 000e000
>> Rebaseall doesn't help.
> Sometime you need to full rebase from scratch.
> Remove the rebase database /etc/rebase.db.i386
> and rebaseall again.
> Be sure to have not any running cygwin program

This might happen if you updated from rebase-4.4.0 to 4.4.1. The older 
version could have corrupt addresses in its database, which would cause 
errors of the kind you've experienced. The problem would get worse if 
other packages were added. Although the code is fixed, you'll need to 
delete the rebase database and run rebaseall again as Marco suggests.



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