zsh bug (was Re: Native links breaks zsh)
Linda Walsh
Fri Jun 6 17:38:00 GMT 2014
Linda Walsh wrote:
> Yuriy Chernyshov wrote:
>> Greetings, it's me again.
>> I've added environment variable to zsh. The problem with locking
>> still persists.
>> Here are some commands:
> ----
> I just wanted to verify -- if you remove the 'winsymlinks:nativestrict',
> (i.e. unset the CYGWIN var if nothing else is in it), then it works and
> doesn't give the above error?
> That wasn't clear from your original post.
Trying to use hardlinks to make a broken setup work then blaming
'hardlinks' for it not working seems a bit far fetched.
This seems more like a zsh bug with little if anything to do
with cygwin...
I can think of ways zsh would fail if it tried to use hard-linking
on a file but then found unaccounted for links to the file.
It gets worse -- since if 1 link of a multi-linked file is "locked" --
all hard-linked copies will be locked as well.
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