Missing strings.exe in binutils

Duncan Roe duncan_roe@acslink.net.au
Sun Jun 1 23:52:00 GMT 2014

On Sun, Jun 01, 2014 at 07:01:41PM -0400, Jeff Hubbs wrote:
> Hi -
> I have a script within a very complex software package that uses the
> "strings"
> command.  Everything I Googled/read suggests that strings.exe comes from the
> binutils package.  The problem is that neither of the available versions of
> binutils
> seem to actually contain strings.exe.  It's not in /usr/bin; find can't turn
> it up under /usr at all.
> There's even this:
>     $ cygcheck -p strings.exe
>     Found 19 matches for strings.exe
>     x86/binutils/binutils-2.24.51-2
>     x86/binutils/binutils-2.24.51-3
> And if I go to
> https://cygwin.com/cgi-bin2/package-cat.cgi?file=x86%2Fbinutils%2Fbinutils-2.24.51$
> this appears:
>     2014-05-29 02:01      709661 usr/bin/strings.exe
> Yet there's no strings.exe.  I've even tried binutils packages from a few
> different mirrors.
> If there's no fixed binutils package available, can someone shoot me a
> strings.exe I can just fly into place for the time being?
> Thanks,
> - Jeff
On my Slackware system, binutils comes with strings-GNU. Perhaps you will find
you have strings-GNU.exe - if so you could symlink it to strings.exe,

Cheers ... Duncan.

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