abort: address space needed by 'cygXcursor-1.dll ... is already occupied

Septimus Stevens septimus.stevens@gmail.com
Thu Sep 5 07:43:00 GMT 2013

Today I rebooted, started Cygwin, X and got FOUR terminals correctly
with no error message.  Still, I would be happy to understand the
previous error.

On 9/4/13, Adam Dinwoodie <adam@dinwoodie.org> wrote:
> Don't do that then. Dumping a binary file to terminal rarely ends well.

:-)  But it was an accident!

> Did you try searching for the error message?


> While we're at it, what is the error message?

abort: address space needed by 'cygXcursor-1.dll ... is already occupied

(That's not the complete message.  BTW, why doesn't copy/paste work
in the main Cygwin window?)

Chen Qi wrote:
> maybe you have install some packages recently but not yet running a
> rebase command.

No, I have installed no packages recently.  The only significant "change"
I am aware of is the xterm that ending in a bad state 2 days ago as described.
BTW, that was the "login" xterm.

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