Cygwin 1.7.25 issue: Crontab on Windows (was ...1.5.25...)

Warren Young
Tue Nov 26 17:01:00 GMT 2013

On 11/26/2013 02:27, Aleksander Panayotov wrote:
> It was actually a typo - a missing "2". What I meant was that I tested
> it with the 1.7.25 version (the latest one that was on your website
> last week) and not with 1.7.5.

Okay, then.

The standard solution here is to set your installer to require UAC. 
There's a flag for this in MSI, and probably in any other reasonable 
software installation system.  That elevates the actual install process 
to Admin privileges, so that when it launches cygrunsrv, it will have 
the permissions it needs to handle the -u flag correctly.

I would suggest not shipping a private copy of Cygwin, but instead ship 
Cygwin's setup.exe and do your custom minimal installation via its 
command line interface.  That way, you don't have to keep your shipped 
version up-to-date, you don't have to worry about source code 
distribution for anything but setup.exe, and you can take advantage of 
the auto-UAC features of setup.exe.

That latter feature might be enough to sway you all by itself.  It means 
you can run the installation as a normal user, but if they have the 
ability to do UAC authentication, Cygwin's setup.exe will elevate *that 
part* of the installation to Admin level automatically.

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