After installing Jav​a 6.0.39 (32bit): Er​ror opening registry​ key 'Software\JavaS​oft\Java Runtime Env​ironment'​

Larry Hall (Cygwin)
Thu Feb 14 15:01:00 GMT 2013

On 2/14/2013 7:29 AM, Ulrich wrote:
> After installing Java 6.0.39(32bit) I get the message "Error opening registry
> key 'Software\JavaSoft\Java Runtime Environment'".
> The key CurrentVersion of the RegistryEntry is "1.7" (which is also installed).
> I've installed several Java-Environements to my Windows 7: Java 6.0.39 (32bit
> and 64bit) and Java 7.0.13 (64bit).
> I'm not aware, how cygwin knows of these installations and how to setup Java. In
> my personal '.bashrc' I've exported a JAVA_HOME and a modified
> PATH-environment-variable. But I doesn't make any difference.

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