nm manual incomplete ?

marco atzeri marco.atzeri@gmail.com
Wed May 23 07:07:00 GMT 2012

$ nm --version
GNU nm (GNU Binutils)

I see on an npi (libmpi.dll.a) library

00000000 i .idata$4
00000000 i .idata$5
00000000 i .idata$6
00000000 i .idata$7
00000000 t .text
          U __head_cygmpi_1_dll
00000000 I __imp__ompi_mpi_comm_world
00000000 I __nm__ompi_mpi_comm_world

but there is no "I" on the nm manual :
"i" For PE format files this indicates that the symbol is in a
     section specific to the implementation of DLLs.  For ELF format
     files this indicates that the symbol is an indirect function.
     This is a GNU extension to the standard set of ELF symbol
     types.  It indicates a symbol which if referenced by a
     relocation does not evaluate to its address, but instead must
     be invoked at runtime.  The runtime execution will then return
     the value to be used in the relocation.

"N" The symbol is a debugging symbol.

what is "I" for ?


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