Putty and pre-shared keys with Cygwin's sshd
Andrew DeFaria
Sat Jan 21 19:02:00 GMT 2012
On 1/21/2012 4:39 AM, Andrey Repin wrote:
> What key type you generate? How do you save both parts of the key? You
> said you copied public key, did you saved private key as well? Or you
> just assumed it was saved somewhere automatically? -- WBR, Andrey
> Repin (anrdaemon@freemail.ru) 21.01.2012, <16:36> Sorry for my
> terrible english...
OK, here's what I did now:
* Regenerated a SSH-2 DSA key 1024 bit
* Saved the public and private keys
* Copied the public key from the box in puttygen that says "Public key
for the pasting into authorized-keys file" and pasted it into my
machine's ~/.ssh/authorized_keys
* Ran putty on the remote machine and made sure to point the
Connection: SSH: Auth pointed to the private key I saved from
puttygen (a .ppk file).
Attempted to connect with that and I got:
Using username "adefaria"
Server refused our key
adefaria@ltsdo-adefaria's password:
What did I do wrong?
Andrew DeFaria <http://defaria.com>
Everybody is somebody else's weirdo.
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