rm fails but returns success

Peter Rosin peda@lysator.liu.se
Fri Feb 3 16:03:00 GMT 2012


I have this annoying leftover file from a automake testsuite run.
I don't know if it was created by an MSYS process or a Cygwin
process, but I can't get rid of it.  I can't take ownership of
it either, not even as admin.  I haven't tried stopping all
MSYS/Cygwin processes yet, nor rebooting, but I'd rather not.

Any help with that is appreciated.  No, not rebooting :-)

However, that is not really why I'm writing, I'm writing to
report the following bug related to the above file.

$ uname -a
CYGWIN_NT-6.1-WOW64 peda-pc 1.7.10s(0.259/5/3) 20120123 00:15:09 i686 Cygwin
$ ls -l aclibobj.log-t
-rw-r----- 1 ???????? ???????? 2113 Jan 31 16:09 aclibobj.log-t
$ rm aclibobj.log-t; echo $?
rm: remove write-protected regular file `aclibobj.log-t'? yes
$ ls -l aclibobj.log-t
-rw-r----- 1 ???????? ???????? 2113 Jan 31 16:09 aclibobj.log-t
$ rm -f aclibobj.log-t; echo $?
$ ls -l aclibobj.log-t
-rw-r----- 1 ???????? ???????? 2113 Jan 31 16:09 aclibobj.log-t
$ cacls aclibobj.log-t
Access is denied.
$ getfacl aclibobj.log-t
# file: aclibobj.log-t
# owner: ????????
# group: ????????
$ cygcheck -c coreutils
Cygwin Package Information
Package              Version        Status
coreutils            8.14-1         OK

In an elevated PowerShell:

PS C:\cygwin\home\peda\automake\tests> takeown /F .\aclibobj.log-t
ERROR: Access is denied.
PS C:\cygwin\home\peda\automake\tests> del .\aclibobj.log-t
Remove-Item : Cannot remove item C:\cygwin\home\peda\automake\tests\aclibobj.log-t: Access to the path 'C:\cygwin\home\peda\automake\tests\aclibobj.log-t' is denied.
At line:1 char:4
+ del <<<<  .\aclibobj.log-t
    + CategoryInfo          : PermissionDenied: (C:\cygwin\home\...\aclibobj.log-t:FileInfo) [Remove-Item], UnauthorizedAccessException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : RemoveFileSystemItemUnAuthorizedAccess,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.RemoveItemCommand


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