mingw32-gcc and posix paths

thoni56 thomas@junovagen.se
Wed Aug 29 07:43:00 GMT 2012

thoni56 wrote
> I'm in the process of going from gcc3 to gcc4. For one project I need to
> build both cygwin and win32 executables so "-mno-cygwin" to "mingw32-gcc"
> was an initial hurdle.
> However that is now sorted out, but one thing puzzles me. If the mingw32
> is a cygwin cross-compiler why does it not accept paths in the host format
> (meaning cygwin, posix)? To me this seems very natural. Maybe  I'm biased,
> but I see no other tools do that, expecting the command line to have the
> format of the *target*.
> mingw32-gcc also produces .d files in its native format by the way.

I forgot to add that it is really this .d thing that makes it problematic.
The makefiles generate separate subdirectories for various targets and also
sets CFLAGS, CC, LINK et al. differently to allow different settings (and
compilers, was my theory) for the different targets.

Since mingw32-gcc and gcc generates .d files in incompatible formats (gcc
really doesn't like "c:\..." in its .d files...) and those are included in
the make file, even using different make:s does not solve the problem for

Any ideas?

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