FW: Sudden failure of ssh sessions since upgrading to 1.7.16-1

Larry Hall (Cygwin) reply-to-list-only-lh@cygwin.com
Mon Aug 27 08:35:00 GMT 2012

On 8/25/2012 7:18 AM, Walker, Leon E wrote:
> Dear CYGWIN,
> Upgraded to 1.7.16-1 from 1.7.14-1
> Seemed to be ok. But after some while using noticed ssh processes died suddenly - all attempts to start new ones fail.
> Noticed sshd crashed and refused to start with errors:
> Here is an extract of sshd.log (from the top):
> c:\cygwin\tmp>type ..\var\log\sshd.log
> assertion "i == 0" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.16/cygwin-1
> .7.16-1/src/src/winsup/cygwin/pinfo.cc", line 319, function: void pinfo::init(pi
> d_t, DWORD, void*)
> assertion "i == 0" failed: file "/home/corinna/src/cygwin/cygwin-1.7.16/cygwin-1
> .7.16-1/src/src/winsup/cygwin/pinfo.cc", line 319, function: void pinfo::init(pi
> d_t, DWORD, void*)
> Stack trace:
> Frame     Function  Args
> 00289154  76B71194  (00000548, 0000EA60, 00000000, 00289288)
> 00289168  76B71148  (00000548, 0000EA60, 000000A4, 00289264)
> 00289288  610DBE29  (00000000, 7754E231, 00000544, FFFFFFFF)
> 00289378  610D915E  (00000000, 35364132, 36444546, 00020021)
> 002893D8  610D962E  (77DDE36C, 77DDE0D2, 002894B8, 00000006)
> 00289488  610D9780  (000017E4, 00000006, 00895868, 611E65C0)
> 002894A8  610D97AC  (00000006, 0028CE80, 00895870, 611E5BB0)
> 002894D8  610D9A85  (611A1084, 611E5C46, 611E5BB0, 0000013F)
> 00289538  610014D0  (611E5BB0, 0000013F, 611E65C0, 611E5C46)
> 002899C8  610AE164  (00000544, 00000000, 00000550, 00000001)
> 00289E48  610B0B14  (00289EA8, 00000000, 77DCF911, 74F6206F)
> 00289E68  610B1104  (00289EA8, 00000000, 01132188, 00289F04)
> 00289ED8  610D9300  (00003184, 00289F4C, 00000001, 00000000)
> 00289F38  610D970E  (0028A0D8, 00289F58, 76B71148, 0000001C)
> 00289FE8  610D97EA  (FFFFCE7C, 0000001C, 0028A084, 0042BC2E)
> 0028A068  6106EE5F  (00000006, 00005402, 0028A084, 8003DC94)
> End of stack trace (more stack frames may be present)
> I attach cygcheck.out:
> Any help you can give will be much appreciated

I'd suggest trying the latest snapshot:




A: Yes.
 > Q: Are you sure?
 >> A: Because it reverses the logical flow of conversation.
 >>> Q: Why is top posting annoying in email?

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