Oddity with cygport, debuginfo generation, and rxvt-unicode

Charles Wilson cygwin@cwilson.fastmail.fm
Tue Aug 21 18:02:00 GMT 2012

While rebuilding rxvt-unicode, I saw the following error during 'cygport

Preparing debuginfo source files:
realpath: unknown option -- p
Try `realpath --help' for more information.
	80 files
Preparing executables for UAC:

A little debugging showed that realpath is being invoked during
src_postinstall here:

line 978:do
                 # make sure that paths with '../' don't leave srcdir
                 case $(realpath -m ${dbgsrc}) in
                         ${dbgsrcdir}/*) ;;
                         *)  continue ;;


I see that this line is hit many times, but here is the relevant sequence:

realpath -m <iom_perl.xs
realpath -m -pe
realpath: unknown option -- p
Try `realpath --help' for more information.
realpath -m s/IOM_MODULE/urxvt/g,s/IOM_CLASS/urxvt/g
realpath -m |
realpath -m /usr/src/debug/rxvt-unicode-X-9.07-2/src/../libev/ev++.h

Although only the second of these lines triggers the error message, each
of the first four is problematic.

This looks like a bug in gcc/binutils to me; debug src paths shouldn't
include pipe line shell commands, should they?

In the meantime, I think a fix like this for cygport would be appropriate:

line 978:do
+          # avoid invoking realpath with redirection metacharacters
+          case "${dbgsrc}" in
+          *[\<\|\>]* ) continue;
+          esac

           # make sure that paths with '../' don't leave $dbgsrcdir
-          case $(realpath -m ${dbgsrc}) in
+          case $(realpath -m -- ${dbgsrc}) in
                   ${dbgsrcdir}/*) ;;
                   *)  continue ;;


...although I'm not sure if this might cause a problem if a filename
actually contains a shell redirection metacharacter (and the originating
project is always careful to appropriate quote that filename).


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