TexLive's ConTeXt runtime error..

Wynfield Henman wynfield@gmail.com
Mon Aug 20 21:37:00 GMT 2012

TeXLive Version: 2012  ("--all" updated to August 20th, 2012)
Downloaded from: REPOSITORY="http://mirror.ctan.org/systems/texlive/tlnet"
Yes, this is the wild verison.  ConTeXt changes very rapidly and I
fancy following and testing those changes.  Thanks to cygwin for
allowing me to do that.
The attempted command which ends in an error is:

   texexec -o pdf 659-water-stations.tex

This results in: "PANIC: unprotected error in call to Lua API
                         (zlib library version does not match -
header: 1.2.5, library: 1.2.7)"

However /usr/include/zlib.h  is for version 1.2.7, not the 1.2.5
mentioned in the error message.     Any idea of how to fix this, so I
can run ConTexT?
Thanks for any and all help.

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