Windows clipboard and Emacs yank, kill-region, and kill-ring-save

Ken Jackson
Sun Aug 19 19:29:00 GMT 2012

On 08/08/2012 06:17 PM, Tim McDaniel wrote:
> On Wed, 8 Aug 2012, Ken Brown <> wrote:
>> There have been some changes in how emacs handles selections,
>> starting with emacs-24.1.  Look at the NEWS file ('C-h n') and
>> search for "selection changes".  It describes the changes and tells
>> you how to restore the old behavior.
> Yes!  The important one for me is
> (setq x-select-enable-primary t)
> Thank you very much for the quick and informative answer!

Are you talking about X11 emacs, or emacs in a terminal?

I have this in my ~/.emacs file on both Linux and Cygwin:
(setq x-select-enable-clipboard t)

I see in the news file that it's now set by default.
It has always worked in graphical emacs but has never
worked in a terminal on either Linux or Cygwin.

But I sure would like it to work in a terminal.  Are you
able to paste clipboard text in emacs in a terminal?


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