Which version of cygwin 'rock solid'

Christopher Faylor cgf-use-the-mailinglist-please@cygwin.com
Sat Aug 18 03:18:00 GMT 2012

On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 10:13:20PM +0000, Devin Nate wrote:
>We use Cygwin in a product we create.  Thank you all for the work to
>make it such a wonderful product.  Our use of the Cygwin env is very
>limited, comprised of only: ?cygwin dll 1.7.9, ssh.exe, rsync.exe,
>openssl.exe, and required dlls.  Our product rarely changes, so
>stability is paramount.  It's installed on all variety of machines, and
>if it stops working is a very costly job to correct.

I'm a broken record on the subject but I can't let the word "product"
go by without pointing out that if your product uses Cygwin it is then
GPLed.  That's how the GPL license that Cygwin uses works.

You must make source code available to anyone who receives your product.
That includes the product itself, cygwin1.dll, ssh, and any other dlls.
Hopefully you already know this but I thought I'd mention it just in


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