How to keep a dependency from [continually] appearing in setup

Achim Gratz
Wed Aug 1 16:50:00 GMT 2012

Ryan Johnson writes:
> It can be argued that emacs-auctex should not pull in texlive.

The only "official" TeX available in Cygwin is TeXlive and setup doesn't
support "recommends", so...

> It makes sense that gtk-doc needs dblatex, *if* the former is used to
> create/update documentation rather than merely supply a pile of info
> and man pages, but if that's the case I'm not convinced that
> gnome-common needs gtk-doc. Relatively few users of gnome-common need
> to develop gnome code, and few developers need to regenerate
> documentation from sources.

That suggests there should be something like gtk-doc and gtk-devel.  I
don't know if that is easily done and whether it fits the upstream
packaging scheme.  Gnome has a habit of pulling in lots of baggage on
GNU/Linux distributions, too.

The _real_ solution would be if the "soft" dependencies of a package
could be stubbed out so that when you do need them, they'll request the
installation of whatever is missing.

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