Can RPM packages be installed into Cygwin?

De-Jian Zhao
Wed Apr 18 17:39:00 GMT 2012

On 2012-4-19 0:58, Linda Walsh wrote:
> De-Jian Zhao wrote:
>> Thank you, Linda. When I saw the error message after installing some 
>> packages to satisfy the dependencies, I was wondering why the rpm 
>> package still complained about the already installed packages. I was 
>> not aware that cygwin and rpm were not sharing the 'database'. Thank 
>> you for making it clear to me.I will try the src.rpm when I am free.
> ---
>     Note:
>     The src.rpm will likely look in the rpm database for it's
> pre-reqs as well.
>     you will need to look inside it (install the src.rpm, and look
> in the /usr/src/packages/specs dir for <package>.spec>) -- and you 
> will see lines like: (example from suse samba package):
> BuildRequires:  cups-devel e2fsprogs-devel fam-devel libacl-devel 
> pam-devel popt-devel python-devel readline-devel
> %if 0%{?suse_version}
> BuildRequires:  cracklib-devel openldap2-devel
> %endif
> %if 0%{?suse_version} > 1030
> BuildRequires:  gdbm-devel pwdutils
> %endif
> %if 0%{?suse_version} > 930
> BuildRequires:  krb5-devel libiniparser-devel libnscd-devel
> %endif
> ....
> (there's a bunch more .. the BuildRequires lines -- will refer to
> DISTRO-specific package names (if that was built for Redhat, will refer
> to redhat's package names).
> The "if" statements are all about configure the same "spec" file for 
> different
> conditions... if you wanted to make things complex (I wouldn't), you 
> could
> build all the packages it needs and put in an if statement that would 
> be true
> for cygwin (would be alot of work!)
> Or. look at the minimum set of packages you will need and make sure they
> are installed from cygwin,
> and comment out all those build-require lines and -- try it.. cross 
> fingers.
> But it will then likely be built for whatever DISTRO's specific file 
> layout
> which may not match cygwin's.
> Safest -- after you install src.rpm, look in 
> /usr/src/packages/SOURCES/ for
> <name of your package>.tar.[bz2,gz] -- that will be the original tar 
> package
> -- prior to any DISTRO specific changes, that you will want.
> Unpack that to a dir and hope it is setup with the configure route -- 
> or figure
> out what it needs to build (make...blah).
> I have taken suse src rpms and direct ported them to cygwin -- but I had
> to disable all the pre-requisite checking at build and install time, 
> due to
> the missing rpm database -- but the program was a *simple one*, and it 
> worked.
> So it is possible.   The more complex the program, the more likely it 
> will
> take more work to port...but sometimes you get lucky and the developer 
> did
> a good job setting up a configure script that will work with cygwin...
> It is a pain -- you will be porting the source to cygwin -- but it it 
> is worth it to you, you can get it done.  (But you really have to want 
> it!) ;-)

Hi, Linda. Thank you for your detailed explanation. The "spec" file 
seems different from your description. There is no explicit 
BuildRequires statement. There is no explicit statement of packages 
required. It is as follows:

====Star ncbi-blast.spec===

Name:        ncbi-blast
Version:     2.2.26+
Release:     3
Source0:     %{name}-%{version}.tgz
Summary:     NCBI BLAST finds regions of similarity between biological 
Exclusiveos: linux
Group:       NCBI/BLAST
License:     Public Domain
BuildArch:   i686 x86_64
BuildRoot:   /var/tmp/%{name}-buildroot
Prefix:      /usr

The NCBI Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) finds regions of
local similarity between sequences. The program compares nucleotide or
protein sequences to sequence databases and calculates the statistical
significance of matches. BLAST can be used to infer functional and
evolutionary relationships between sequences as well as help identify
members of gene families.

%setup -q

cd c++/*/build
%__make -f Makefile.flat

%__mkdir_p $RPM_BUILD_ROOT/%_bindir
cd c++/*/bin
%__install -m755 blastp blastn blastx tblastn tblastx psiblast rpsblast 
rpstblastn blast_formatter deltablast makembindex segmasker dustmasker 
windowmasker makeblastdb makeprofiledb blastdbcmd blastdb_aliastool 
convert2blastmask blastdbcheck 



* Mon Jul 21 2008 Christiam Camacho <>
- See ChangeLog file

===End ncbi-blast.spec===

There is a file ncbi-blast-2.2.26+.tgz under the directory SOURCES. 
There are two files, or and, in the directory 
ncbi-blast-2.2.26+\c++\compilers\cygwin\, which is similar to the 
package ncbi-blast-2.2.26+-src.tar.gz. I was stuck with "checking for 
python" when compiling ncbi-blast-2.2.26+-src.tar.gz.

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