csih patch

Corinna Vinschen corinna-cygwin@cygwin.com
Mon Feb 7 16:40:00 GMT 2011

Hi Chuck,

I'm trying to make the ssh-host-config script more foolproof.  While
doing that I found a problem in cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh
which disallowed ssh-host-config to react differently if certain
problems showed up.

The csih_install_config returns a value which indicates if the
installation was successful.  However, it also returns 1 if the user
said "no" to the question if an existing config file should be
overwritten.  This is not correct, because it disallows the calling
script to check for a problem.  The "no" answer is not a problem, but a
deliberate decision, so it should be treated as if everything's all

Here's a patch to fix that:

--- cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh.ORIG	2011-02-07 17:27:14.749387200 +0100
+++ cygwin-service-installation-helper.sh	2011-02-07 17:27:43.344187200 +0100
@@ -1498,13 +1498,14 @@ csih_install_config()
   if [ -f "$dest" ]
-    if csih_request "Overwrite existing ${dest} file?"
+    if ! csih_request "Overwrite existing ${dest} file?"
-      rm -f "${dest}"
-      if [ -f "${dest}" ]
-      then
-        csih_warning "Can't overwrite. ${dest} is write protected."
-      fi
+      return 0
+    fi
+    rm -f "${dest}"
+    if [ -f "${dest}" ]
+    then
+      csih_warning "Can't overwrite. ${dest} is write protected."


Corinna Vinschen                  Please, send mails regarding Cygwin to
Cygwin Project Co-Leader          cygwin AT cygwin DOT com
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